Jan 21, 2005 09:58
The playtest session of my game went well enough the other day. A large numer of problems were brought up but the majority of them are easily resolved with some tweaking. I've got the development itch as of late I've not had in years.
MMOs. Ah, MMOs. Final Fantasy XI has been winking at me lately from my CD rack. World of Warcraft is sitting on my system now relenting my account suspension. Time ticks until my account becomes inactive and yet I've no real pressure to sustain it. Are MMOs a waste of time? Undoubtably. Are they a waste of my intelligence? I'm beginning to think so. I just don't have the patience to put up with them anymore. They're fun, indeed, but shuffled in with large doses of boredom.
Given the option between working on my game and running around killing pigs for looted meatstuffs I think I'd rather the more productive one. I've not picked up a pencil to draw in a long time either. So much to do, so little time, such poor reasoning to spend my time running around in a virtual world like a stupid twip looking for scraps of cloth.