30 Days of Shakespeare, Day 9 (albeit one day late)

Jul 29, 2010 11:43

Alas, there was a wagon and I fell off, mostly because I couldn't decide on my favourite tragedy. So I will attempt to do so for purposes of this post.

Day #9: Your favourite tragedy - King Lear
Although with a fair bit of wittering about Othello as well. )

shakespeare, shakespeare: king lear, shakespeare: othello, 30 days of shakespeare

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lareinenoire July 29 2010, 19:28:21 UTC
Yes, all of that does make a lot of sense -- especially the idea of Cordelia being a stepsister on top of being the baby sister. It does make sense that Regan and Goneril would join forces against her, and there's certainly nothing in the text to contradict that interpretation.

And I saw your post -- yes, they are all just excellent, aren't they? I fell for Edmund the moment I read the 'Thou, nature, art my goddess' speech, and there is just something compellingly awful about both Goneril and Regan.


fuunsaiki July 29 2010, 21:48:40 UTC
Haha! OH HAI THAR! I chose Regan for my villainess (as a bratty younger sister myself, I feel she's just got Goneril pipped for evilness), and in a comments discussion, I wrote about Cordelia, "I rather suspect only daughter of beloved mistress/second wife." I like how it makes so much sense and unrelated people come up with it completely independently of each other, which suggests it makes even more sense than we realise.


miss_morland July 29 2010, 21:25:50 UTC
Is it bad that what I remember most from this play is the Eye Thing? *shudders*


lareinenoire July 29 2010, 21:44:27 UTC
Oh, the eye thing is awful! It makes me squirm even to read that scene!


fuunsaiki July 29 2010, 22:28:08 UTC
You wanna REALLY squirm? I could describe how Rupert Goold did that scene. Even *I* was repulsed. <3 ;)


bewarethespork July 29 2010, 23:16:24 UTC
*Jay Stamp of Approval* You have no idea how big my foolish grin was as I read this. I love King Lear so much. ♥ :D


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