30 Days of Shakespeare, Day 6

Jul 25, 2010 12:47

Day #6: Your favourite villainess female villain

angevin2 made a great post on the general awesome that is Joan la Pucelle, and at the risk of basically repeating everything she said, I would pretty much agree with her assessment. :) Although I don't like Joan as much as Margaret, I don't necessarily believe Margaret is a villain. What seems to set Joan ( Read more... )

shakespeare, shakespeare: 1 henry vi, joan la pucelle, 30 days of shakespeare

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lareinenoire July 25 2010, 19:49:35 UTC
Tamora is the Queen of the Goths and one of the primary antagonists in Titus (along with her co-conspirator Aaron the Moor). She enters as a prisoner of Titus Andronicus, who has just succeeded in defeating the Goths, and, after he executes her eldest son, she swears to avenge his death by destroying Titus' family. She is one of those responsible for the rape and mutilation of Titus' daughter Lavinia; the others being Aaron, and her two remaining sons Chiron and Demetrius.

Essentially, Tamora is a 'villain' much in the vein of Joan, though she arguably begins as a more sympathetic character, a mother begging for the life of her son. She's not particularly charming or funny, and she's guilty of basically everything horrible that any one person could do (obviously, her treatment of Lavinia; also, she marries the emperor Saturninus while having an affair with Aaron and giving birth to his child, and she and Aaron engineer the deaths of two more of Titus' sons). In the end, she gets her comeuppance after Titus captures Chiron and Demetrius, kills them, bakes them into a pie, and serves said pie to Lavinia and Saturninus. After the big reveal, he kills Tamora; Saturninus kills him, and Titus' one remaining son kills Saturninus. Cheerful play, innit?

So I suppose I don't especially like her. But in terms of villains who turn everybody into the play into a morally culpable criminal of sorts, she is an excellent example.


fuunsaiki July 25 2010, 20:03:05 UTC
Also, if it weren't for Tamora, we wouldn't have the ABSOLUTE BEST LINES OF SHAKESPEARE EVER:

DEMETRIUS Villain, what hast thou done?
AARON That which thou canst not undo.
CHIRON Thou hast undone our mother.
AARON Villain, I have done thy mother.

... ooh, and now I know what I'm posting for day 18! Huzzah! Thank you! :D


lareinenoire July 26 2010, 15:03:00 UTC
HEE. I'd forgotten that bit, actually, so thanks for reminding me! Aaron is just so deliciously awful.


gehayi July 26 2010, 00:16:30 UTC
Cheerful play, innit?

It sounds like the Elizabethan version of an action movie. Lots of people die in horrible ways, and almost everyone is deadly (because if they weren't, they wouldn't last five minutes), but hey, that's the genre. The only things lacking are fiery explosions and a bomb set to go off at a critical moment.


lareinenoire July 26 2010, 15:02:02 UTC
That is precisely what it is. No surprise, I'm sure, that it's one of Shakespeare's earliest plays, from around the same time as the Henry VIs, which are similarly violent. He does love a good spectacle from time to time. ;)


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