Just came back from seeing Episode III. In short, I was impressed.
Droids rock.
Wookies rock.
Yoda rocks.
The soppy scenes didn't altogether suck! Yay. Romantic banter fell flat, talk of happy future fell flat, however the angst actually worked in their favour this time. I thought. But it could just be me and romantic angst. However, I do wonder when Padmé went from being a reasonably strong female character to being a stay-at-home housewife...
Organa drives a space roadster! I probably found that far more amusing than anyone should have done.
Right...am I imagining things, or were there random jabs at Bush (starting war, continuing war, 'this is the end of democracy') throughout the film?
Othello overtones. I squeaked. Though I think there ought to have been more. Again, possibly my own twisted...er...we won't go there.
This was Palpatine's film. Very good job on Ian McDiarmid's part. Could have done without the excess of evil cackling every now and then, but the theatre scene in particular was very well done. So Iago. So *so* Iago.
The sequence cutting between the Jedi Temple and the Jedi on the outposts. Dear God. Awful but horribly compelling. And Anakin's eyes just scared me, especially in the scene with the Younglings. ::shudder:: Not sure how eyes can manage to be both iced-over and glowing, but somehow it worked and I was officially very disturbed.
rosamund, you know this cannot end well.
The music. I already loved it, but seeing it on screen just *worked*.
Poor Obi-Wan. Just...poor Obi-Wan. That's really all I have to say.
'Lady of Shalott' moment.
And the ending was--in a word--gorgeous. Just visually stunning.
In all, dialogue was predictably mediocre, at times falling into badness (not quite as bad as the first two, but we know how little that says). CGI was pretty, sometimes overtook everything. Random visual cues from the original trilogy were fun.
And then afterward there was chocolate of the Gods. Today was a good day.