Feb 10, 2017 22:47
It's been a bit quiet since my last update, without an awful lot happening worth diarising. Work trundles on reasonably smoothly, and I expect to be able to take the weekends off on either side of half term, although I will have to do some stuff in the middle to catch up on hours, as my contract variation letter came through and it turned out they had backdated the increase to the beginning of term. That does mean I can expect a particularly nice pay cheque when I get paid just before my birthday, though.
The main non-typical event was that A and I managed to get ourselves over to our local mosque on Sunday for Visit My Mosque Day. We saw some interesting posters about Islam (e.g things about science and about what the Qu'ran actually says about the role of women) and met some very friendly people. We had to turn down most of the food being served as we were just about to meet people for lunch, but I was very happy to accept the offer of a nice lady drawing a mehndi pattern on my hand. Five days later, the flowers and fronds are still with me, fading in a quite pleasant sepia-toned way.
I had a number of possible clubbing and gigging options tonight and did none of them, so will shortly be heading out to the cinema with A to see the Lego Batman film. I think I will venture a brief review even before I see it: entertaining, although inevitably not as good as the Lego Movie itself.