Jan 15, 2017 23:24
Key week two discovery: Were it financially plausible in the long term, I could definitely get used to having this little work to do. The current plan involves sticking with just the current job and current schools until the end of January, for re-grouping/re-building...but I already have one extra meeting confirmed for February, and there will doubtless be more where that came from, if needs be.
One evening this week, A suddenly had an evening off where his planned activity fell through, and I was sufficiently on top of things that I could justify going out to dinner and then on to the cinema. We saw Passengers, which we both enjoyed - although the human (and android) psychology was more convincing than the space-ship design. If you thought the person who designed the death star in Star Wars made some mistakes, that had nothing on this build and fit...
This weekend, I found time to do my first clubbing of the year, an indie night doing a David Bowie special in honour of the anniversary of his death and the fortieth anniversary of the release of Low. It was a bit crowded and the cider was waaay overpriced for the piss-poor quality, but it was fairly low-stress and I may well go back for their eighties special in early February, which they are calling 'Even Stranger Things'.
The last couple of weeks have done wonders for my sleep and general mental health, and having more time to exercise and cook proper food - and the mental energy to face doing both those things - has been great. Tomorrow I must phone and make another dental appointment, as the antibiotics have done precisely naff all for my abscess, and an optician's appointment, as that's also due and I think I may need an updated prescription again.
Oh, and I have had confirmation that job-I'm-keeping will pay for a new laptop for me, so we have pencilled in a shopping trip on A's day off next week, as he's so much better at (for which read: less scared of) the tech stuff than I am.
Let the getting-my-shit-together continue...
conspicuous consumption,
life stuff,