The best laid plans, and all that...

Mar 23, 2015 00:54

It appears that in my last post I was (perhaps naively) hoping to find time to post some reviews this week. How does it go?: the best way to make the gods laugh is to tell them your plans. ;)

Work continues to be crazy, and the IT situation in the new job has gone from bad to worse. The email contacts list to which I was finally given access turned out to be out of date, causing some embarrassment to the organisation. My laptop finally arrived, which you'd think would be a good thing... but I can't access the school network on it, either remotely or from the meeting room in the school, which appears to be because of some insane security-paranoia thing in the IT team. I have a nasty suspicion that the bizarro approach to security - see also: nobody is allowed access to the school's wi-fi unless on a school-owned piece of equipment, not even the governors - is because the IT manager is not actually competent. I foresee some interesting discussions with the Chair and/or the IT manager, and I'm not ruling out suggesting that I'll have to resign because the job is not actually possible under the working conditions. Pity that I still haven't received my contract, really. My notice period is anyone's guess. ;)

On the positive side, I have now sent out my last set of papers for the term. And, although I have four meetings scheduled for the week across the two jobs, which is Not Normal, I'm currently 'only' two sets of minutes behind, this far into the Month of You're F***ing Kidding. Oh, and the 'right' person was elected Chair in the election being held at one of the schools in the older job. So, hey, things are looking up :)

Considering that new job had me in tears on Tuesday, my one day in the office, I'm ending the week feeling fairly pleased with having survived both jobs so well and believing that I'll survive the next week. The current plan is to go clubbing on Friday night (Some Weird Sin), and I'll surely have earned it.

work, result!

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