A breathing space, at last ;)

Dec 14, 2014 19:38

It's been ages since I've had time to update:  I've had so much work on and so many other things to do. Right now I have five sets of minutes outstanding...but at least I have only one meeting booked for the last week of term, next week, and no volunteering days, medical appointments or social/cultural events. Finally, a bit of space to breathe and catch up (and buy the last few Christmas presents!).

Whistle-stop tour of the last few weeks' non-work related highlights, for those who've not already seen all this on Facebook:

- Dracula dance performance (not quite ballet) at the ArtsDepot in North Finchley. Very atmospheric, and the set design was impressive, but there was less dancing than I might have liked and more fannying about miming and overacting. 'Twas a pity.

-Two volunteer coaching sessions. Attendance has been a bit patchy, but the ones who showed up at all clearly have potential to make improvements for themselves, so I'm cautiously optimistic on that front.

- Grand final of House of Burlesque's Burlesque Idol. So much fun, and so many great acts that it was almost a shame to have to pick a winner, but the right act won. :)

-Much shopping at the Alternative Bring and Buy Sale, with the usual mix of awesome bargains.

-Dragonmeet, where Andy and I did a favour for a company for whom he's been doing some work, and spent a day on a stall dressed in military gear handing out flyers and sales pitching for an alien invasion game which has yet to be released.

-New Model Army gig at the Forum in Kentish Town. I'm not absolutely sure how many times I've seen NMA since the first time, 23 years ago, but I'm pretty sure it must be in double figures. This was probably the best gig I've ever seen them do, partly because of the various extra guest musicians they had to bring extra texture to the music, and partly because two sets and no support band meant that they played almost three hours of stuff from the early days to the most recent stuff. Consequently, there were too many amazing songs to mention them all, but they made me cry with 'Family' in the first set and with 'Family Life' in the second set, and made my night by playing my favourite of all their songs, 'A Liberal Education', which I think I've only ever heard them play live once before.

conspicuous consumption, work, other entertainments, gaming, bleeding heart liberal, gigs, art/culture

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