Surfaces for air

Sep 17, 2014 19:11

Well, look at update that hasn't taken months. ;)

I'm in the midst of clearing the hideous backlog of stuff mentioned in my last (unlocked) post. The stuff for School 1 is looking a lot more under control, and I may even get all the bits and pieces on the list done before the first 'proper' meeting of the year, tomorrow. I'm pausing now to do this update because my brain and my knees need a break: I always end up working longer than I planned to do in a single session if I'm working on my laptop on the sofa, and it does me no good at all physically.

That specific problem should, barring disaster, soon be a thing of the past. My new desk/cabinet/shelving unit arrived today, and the boxes are currently acting as a quite good footstool. All being well, we should be able to put my new workstation together tomorrow. (Well, I say 'we'...My last attempt to construct flat-pack furniture, many years ago, ended in a rage-fit during which I threw things, whereas A claims actually to like doing them, so I think I know how the division of labour on this one is going to end up...)

The problem about which I was ranting in my last locked post eventually was resolved in a way which *wasn't* a constitutional disaster. Better yet, things are looking up in that we may actually get a new Chair and new Vice Chair this year, both of whom have a clue and both of whom seem to me to be more likely to actually participate/lead properly. One mustn't count chickens before they are hatched, however, so fingers must remain crossed for another day or so.

Elsewhere, mass clothes sort/clearout and mini paperwork sort have occurred, although the dreaded tax return still looms and I have to sort out various other practical/medical stuff. And I'm behind on my contracted hours for School Job 2, partly because there's not much yet which is even close to urgent. And there hasn't been much time for anything social or cultural over the last couple of weeks. But the feeling of will-never-catch-up doom is passing, now, and A and I are invited to a barbecue at the weekend, which will be our first and last of the summer.

I'm feeling as if I've turned the corner, at last. :)

work, parties etc, life stuff

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