Belated squeeing

Aug 11, 2011 16:06

As briefly alluded to in my last post, I had rather a good weekend.

I had a very successful couple of hours at the Alternative Bring and Buy Sale on Sunday, where I gathered the following haul:
  • a cute Victorian/Lolita style dress, in red (brand new with tags)
  • a green army shirt
  • a blouse (Laura Ashley, but black with some ruffles to the front) that will do for work
  • a jumper, ditto
  • a dress/top
  • five CDs
for a grand total of £25!

I also managed to give sinbadsilk  the money I owed him for half the enormous load of CDs I bought from him at the last one. I managed to escape the building without buying any books, but my pile has increased by one nonetheless, as he is a Bad Man and pushed upon me the first in a series which he informs me is every bit as good as A Song of Ice and Fire. How did NMA put it?: I tell you what I'll do, I'll make the first one free/And when you want some more just come back to me... ;)
In the evening, I headed down to the river to check out Tanz Macabre ( I'll start with the downside:
  1. It's on a boat. My dad used to work for the Port of London Authority, and I was in my teens at the time of the Bowbelle/Marchioness disaster, so for me 'party' and 'boat' are words that really are not comfortably linked. And I didn't love the fact that the floor was moving before I'd even started drinking!
  2. While I'm on the topic of drinking: £2.50 for a half pint of lime and soda! I thought the girl had misheard me and put booze in it or something. It turned out that other drinks weren't quite as overpriced, but I wouldn't exactly call £3 for a 330ml bottle of very average cider a bargain, either.
However, the upside turned out to outweigh this:
  1. The playlist was just the right mixture of trad and trad-style for my tastes, running from the old school (Sisters, Bauhaus, Neph, various batcave-types) through the second generation (Rosetta, Merry Thoughts) to the more modern (Cruxshadows, Eden House). 
  2. Although small (and uneven beyond just the fact the boat itself was moving), the dancefloor wasn't overcrowded.
  3. People were unusually friendly for a goth club. When I discovered on the dancefloor  that  my brooch had fallen off my dress and started looking for it, someone found it and passed it to me; I picked up a compliment on my hair from a random female; one of the people running the thing spotted that I was new, introduced himself, thanked me for coming and encouraged me to join the mailing list.
  4. I could stay until the music stopped and still get the last tube home.
  5. Did I mention the playlist? Seriously, if this were in a better venue, it could easily be about to become my favourite club since B Movie in its original venue. As it is, with it happening once every two months, I'm thinking I might go once in a while even if I am working on the Monday, or go and take the Monday (or a half day) off.
Not a great deal has happened since Sunday, beyond the fact that A came home from Gencon with pressies of sweeties and a game of Cthulhu Gloom, which looks like fun.

I shall be heading off to Northampton for the weekend,tomorrow, to see Becky. It turns out that, besides a birthday, she, too, has a new job to celebrate, so I imagine alcohol will be involved at some point. :)

[On a side note, I love that the spellcheck, not recognising 'Cthulhu' as a word, gives 'Catholic' as its first suggested alternative...]

pure evil, clubs

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