I don't feel like I'm falling down

Oct 22, 2006 23:23

So I'm updating livejournal instead of getting my life into order: another week starts tomorrow. wtf!

Last week sucked majorly. Between financial issues and the dreaded start of "head and neck" in anatomy, there were still at least five boxes stacked in my bedroom waiting to be unpacked before Ed's parents arrive (t-minus 4 days. yikes!). I actually did manage to get them all unpacked, unfortunately at the expense of catching up in embryology/immunology/endocrinology. This makes me anxious, but I have to deal with it. The apartment can probably be mostly left alone until thursday, but someday I'm going to have to go through everything I own and try to get rid of some of it.  I honestly don't know how on earth I managed to accumulate SO MUCH CRAP. It makes me wonder what it would feel like to be able to pack up all your possessions in one box. Or one suitcase. Then I start to wonder how my suh-weet blender would manage to nestle in a suitcase, or how I could drag my ginormous and totally entertaining cat-tree + cats along with me, and then I remember. Oh yeah. THATS why I can't/probably won't ever be leading a material-free life. Because I suck and I love all this crap that I complain about.

Sucky week aside, friday perked things up a bit for me and I managed to get out to the SCAVMA semi-formal with Ed. Which I really didn't want to go to initially, and had to be bullied into it. I'm now honestly glad that I went. I have way too many insecurity with the way I look issues, and I can't believe that it was so bad I almost didn't go to such a fun event. Free drinks (sprite in my case) free music and free watching Ed get extremely tipsy. All good things. Oh, and certain people flirting with certain individuals *wink wink nudge nudge*. Who says the SCAVMA semi-formal does not provide any good entertainment? Hah!

Much unpacking/organizing of apartment happened yesterday and today, and I'm currently attempting to block out how rough this coming week is going to be. Embyrology final on friday. And I'm extremely nervous about seeing Ed's parents again, especially since they aren't exactly thrilled about what we've chosen to do with our lives. You can't please everyone, and I know that, but lord does it hurt anyway. Attempt: failed.

At least my parents will be here, and they will be the official "buffers" for the first weekend of Ed's parents visit. We'll make a trip up to St. Augustine on saturday, and on sunday I will scramble to do my research paper for endocrinology. Yay life.

Aside: Wtf. Last year today, had I known that I would be sitting pretty in vet school, not failing anything (not yet anyway), happily married and living in a sweet apartment with Ed, Fergal and + one kitten, I would have thought: JACKPOT! But why the hell can't I be totally happy? Isn't this what I wanted?

I even have one of those wall clocks that looks like a cat. Its tail is the pendulum. life = yay.
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