Apr 17, 2012 22:57
Today, I made a custard with some wild lavender honey, and it turned out delicious with a pleasantly light floral taste. Unfortunately, the texture turned out to resemble somewhat scrambled eggs, which means research for me on how to avoid that for the future.
Basic recipe (serves one, but one with a large appetite for custard. Lesser mortals might want to make it into two servings. And yes, I am one of those lesser mortals. Divided into two, the calories are 186. One serving is 372 calories.):
3/4 cup of cream (or milk)
2 tbsp honey
2 eggs
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp Frangelico
Cimmamon for dusting on top
Heat milk to hot but not boiling. Combine in a seperate bowl egg and honey until well blended. Ladle hot milk into egg mixture, stirring all the while. Stir some more until all one uniform color. Add flavorings and, again, stir very well. Pour into 2 cup ovenproof bowl/ dish. Set said container into high sided pan. Add water to pan, up to halfway on dish's sides. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees, while making sure water surrounding dish does not boil. Test doneness by poking knife into center. If clean upon removal, custard is done. Let custard cool to room temperature, and refrigerate for an hour at least before consuming it, in a manner not dissimilar to Gengis Khan ransacking Europe, with much wailing and gnashing of teeth of those who did or do not get to taste the deliciousness.
What I'd try the next time(s): Steep star anise, peppercorns, cinnamon, and ginger in the milk/ cream to give it a little more flavor. Use Rosewater as a flavoring. Try Chambord in place of rum. Ground ginger/ nutmeg to top. Wonder how to make a pea custard like I saw somewhere. Try to halve recipe. Take pictures before consumption, instead of post consumption.
cooking is science for hungry people!