Dear LiveJournal

Mar 31, 2011 14:25

I have been remiss in my posting here, for this I ask forgiveness. On the other hand, no one reads this but like two people, and one I talk to damn near everyday (or at least bi-weekly.) So nothing I say here will be of a surprise to her. Anyway.

Nothing much has changed since my surgery. Still having pain, because a part of me is missing now.... I mean that in the most literal sense possible too. No amusing puns here. Just facts. I've been working so that's... fun. Actually I'm going to make a list.

Things that have changed:

-I can't have babies.

Things that have not changed:

-I still work at the bank.
-I'm still addicted to movies.
-Doctor Who is still my favorite show.
-I'm still forever alone.
-I'm still breathing, so that's... good.

That's about all.

Actually my sister's birthday is on Sunday and we're having a Scottish Festival this weekend as well. It's pretty awesome, we're excited to go!!!!!!!! I  can't wait. Scots men in kilts and running around eating haggis (yeah, there's gonna be haggis.... No self respecting Scottish Festival would be missing haggis!) So yeah. We're planning on dinner Sunday at this place called Christie's. Its a 'higher' end food joint in a strip mall.... Go figure. Anyway, So Since we're not gonna really be home this weekend, I'm making my sister rainbow cupcakes today! yay! I'd show it too you, but my memory card is being a douch bag.

Don't worry, I'll post the pictures eventually.

Also, I'm so excited about Harry Potter (something that hasn't happened since GoF) that I'm making Harry Potter knit hats in house colors. I'm trying to figure out how to make stripes so that I can make a school hat.  Sounds like fun!

Oy, that's about it. So exciting and fun, my life.

harry potter, blog, birthdays

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