(no subject)

May 09, 2008 11:30

Hello everyone! I'm lucky1010! This is my first post here...^^;;
I'm not new to loving L'Arc, but I am new to this community!^^ Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

You may have seen this news already from the OHP^^ L'Arc's new song "NEXUS 4" will be used as the image song for the Subaru Legacy~~ It hasn't been announced as a single or given a release date (...just like "Shine" TwT) but I'm still really excited to hear it!

SUBARU レガシィ TV-CFイメージソング2年連続決定!
新曲「NEXUS 4」

Thanks to Jeff from the Ark BBS who posted a link to hear a snippet of the song^^
I'm definitely surprised by the sound^^ I'm looking forward to hearing the entire thing!

Also, there is a transcript of the Paris press conference on the Orient Extreme website in both French and English
Thanks to heavenly77 at Pieces for the link!

They seem so excited for today's Paris concert!! I hope everyone that is able to go has the time of their lives!!
Have fun and please let us know how amazing the concert was!^^

(I'm sorry everyone..it seems this post has just gotten longer and longer >w>;;;)

On youtube there are some short fan recorded videos of the live!!^^ Ah~~ you can hear some of the MCs too 8D I'm so happy XD
If you search on youtube you can see many more videos besides these that have been and are being uploaded!! Check it out^^ I'm so grateful to those that shared their vids m(_ _)m

music: live audio, video: concert, music: preview, translation: articles/interviews

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