Mission: L'Arcollection

Mar 20, 2017 19:52

"Regain the future"

Mission: L'Arcollection is a new official anniversary project from L'Arc. It's introduced with a short story:

Year 9125. Ellie Cranc* is studying the legend of the monster band L'Arc-en-Ciel. One day while researching the L'Arc Odyssey historical documents, Ellie notices descriptions about 25th L'Anniversary LIVE have disappeared.

And then, one by one all the other entries start to vanish until the 2017 page is empty. "History must be recovered, otherwise the world itself is going to disappear……" Ellie senses the impending doom and travels to year 2017.

"I am Ellie Cranc and I come here from 9125. Someone destroyed all the historical records of 25th L'Anniversary LIVE, which will cause this overwhelming and exciting live to never have happened."

So Ellie assigns everyone around the world on missions. "Various pieces of L'Arc-en-Ciel are scattered around the world. Collect the pieces and send them to Tokyo Dome. Only if all the pieces are gathered, the history will be repaired and they will appear. Deadline is when 25th L'Anniversary doors open: April 7 2017, 23:59. I want you to regain the future by collecting the pieces!"

* re-organize the letters and you'll find out who it is ;)

UPDATE: an official English version is finally added

Mission:1 - Collect songs for 25th L'Anniversary LIVE!

VOTE HERE for a song you would like to hear in the LIVE. There's cooldown period of 24 hours, after that you can vote again.

Mission:2 - Collect pieces of fans!

Photos of fans from all over the world, photos of places related to L'Arc-en-Ciel, comments about 25th anniversary.
Send them to larcollection@larc-en-ciel.com
※ Make sure it fits the size limits: comments - 30 characters; photos - JPG/PNG/GIF, 10 MB per email.

Both missions 1&2 are open now! Details of Mission:3 - Collect L'Arc Pieces scattered around the world! will be announced later in March.

~ What songs have you voted?

event: 25th l'anniversary live, l'arcollection

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