Hyde in Vamps and hyde in L'Arc~en~Ciel Discussion

Nov 08, 2014 15:44

Hey guys I haven't posted a disucssion topic in a very long time haha so here's a new one :D

Which Vamps songs (written by Hyde of course) do you think could have easily been slipped in L'Arc~en~Ciel's catologue? Similarly, which L'Arc songs written by Hyde do you think were precursors to the style of Vamps?

And now for what perhaps is an even harder question to answer. Since forming Vamps hyde has provided largely light songs for L'Arc~en~Ciel as opposed to songs like As One. Firstly, do you think hyde will ever again write heavier rock songs (as opposed to light hearted pop rock), or do you think that he will try and keep that style purely for Vamps?
Secondly, will this affect the songwriting process of the band as a whole? Everlasting, Chase and XXX have been huge departures from the bands previous styles, can we attribute any of this to hyde's new heavy rock focus in Vamps?

Any thoughts on this topic would be highly appreciated! I love hearing what fellow fans have to say about the music that we all love so much :D

member: hyde, discussion: music

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