Mar 17, 2012 21:12
Hi, I'm new to this community- well, obviously.
I was wondering,
Does anyone know where I could get the larc's PV?
I've been dying to download it but I can't find it anywhere.
It's a horrible experience, leaving me with much mental sores.
Yess indeed.
Well, to introduce myself,
My name is Poon from Thailand.
I must say I really love Hyde.
Not only his voice, but his presence and delivery are too far awesome and sexy.
Of course, his face isn't bad either XD
And Ken is an AWSOME guitarist.
(Not to mention sexy mexican smirk ><)
My favorite song is 'Hitomi no Jyunin'
either that or 'Link'
L'Arc was the first foreign band I was introduced to. Although I have been crazy about other band for during these years but after attending larc concert in Thailand (which was TOO awesome, it's really worth for 13 years of waiting ><) I fell in love with them again!!!! XD
well, anyways, plese help me about PVs thing >< I really could find them anywhere
Thank you
Poon ^^
request: video,
!introduction post