First some new videos:
~ WILD 7 trailer with a little bit longer clip of L'Arc theme song →
watch it here~ XXX live from Saitama Super Arena (Kioon channel ustream 14.10.2011) →
kioonch /
youtube /
download XXX alternate covers
Alternate cover only comes with a first press regular version of the single. There's 4 different covers, you get one of them randomly picked plus the normal cover.
Normal covers: limited / regular edition
(yukihiro version by
(tetsuya version by elytakarai/
Anyone got a scan of ken or tetsuya version? All I could find was these photos.
Waku waku stickers
Scans and big photos of GLMW stickers can be found
in this post. XXX gives us 8 more, and once again, there's number 20 hidden in each sticker. (Some are very hard to find this time, I think...)
(Driver's High by
Some of these are photos found from yahoo auctions. If you have bigger/clearer version or a scan, please share it here?
There's shiny versions too.
And there's still 24 more... but it doesn't seem to be possible to get them yet. Might be some kind of prize? They are from
LArcom special page.