So I was looking at
folkloric_feel 's
Kogan picspam and kept noticing Carlos noticing the Kogan too. These are her screen caps. I had saved them to my computer so I could stare at them some more later but I just had to post this.
Carlos: Haha guys, look. I'm on the floor.
Logan and Kendall: *oblivious*
James: Haha. *fistbumps air*
Carlos: No really guys! Look! I'm priceless! Kendall! Turn around.
Logan and Kendall: *still oblivious*
Carlos: You guys suck!
Logan and Kendall: *do not care*
James: Oh, I got you.
Logan and Kendall: *eye fuck*
Carlos: What's going on with you two?
James: *has figured it out and does not think it's a big deal*
Logan and Kendall: *touchtouch*
Carlos: I'm going to figure what's going on with you two.
James: *ignores* Don't I look pretty?
Kendall: *is obvious and reaches for Logan's hand*
Carlos: Okay, so I can't figure it out.
Logan: *is obvious and excited Kendall is holding his hand*
James: *gets out of the way so Logan and Kendall can have their moment*
Logan: *licks lips and thinks naughty thoughts* Oh.
Carlos: I get it! Logan and Kendall are boyfriends.
Yes they are, Carlos. I'm glad you finally figured it out. I was getting worried for a while there.
And these two pictures make me laugh a little.
Kendall: *touchtouch* *does not notice Carlos' arm on his shoulder* *too busy staring and touching*
Kendall: *possessive*
Logan: Haha Carlos, get your arm off me. No, really. *nudges*
And this next one has nothing to do with the rest of these. But it made me laugh so I had to add it.
I mean, yes, Kendall's face looks funny here. But look at Carlos.