(no subject)

Feb 27, 2009 15:52

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

These are all obvious but

1.Justin Timberlake was my first real celebrity crush and he continues to be a favorite of mine he just seems so nice and genuine but also talented and really really cute :)

2. Queer eye is one of my favorite shows of all time and I miss seeing them together all the time
they were sweet,funny,caring and had great chemistry that made me want to see more I really miss seeing
nice people on TV and I <3 them.

3.Jai  Rodriguez is my favorite fab fiver he is sweet,funny,talented,caring,friendly,a great listener,cute and has a huge heart I just think hes a great person :)

4.I love cats because my cats are my world(stole from Lindsay)


I love this show so much I can find a FRIEND reference in everyday situations and it never fails to make me feel good and laugh it is one the best shows ever.

CHEATING I know it says 5 but I can't leave it like this:

6.HAD to add them or I would feel bad they were my whole life and still are I wish that they would come back they brought SO much joy to me and there fans I have yet to find a band that I love as much as them they had great vocals,dance moves and friendships with each other they gave inspiration to a lot of people. thanks to Chris Kirkpatrick for putting the group together :)

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