Life of Larberg v.46

Feb 17, 2009 23:03

I got a pedicure today.

My first pedicure ever. It was nice. Well, kind of weird. I really didn't know what to do. I came into the salon and just kind of pointed to the brochure like a monkey ordering a burger from a menu and suddenly she was running water and calling me over to a chair.

So I went over to the chair and just stood. Do I stand in it? Do I put both feet in the water or just one at a time? When do I know to sit!?? I missed this chapter in the social interactions textbook. Should I tell her I've never had a pedicure before or is her "when are you going to come sit and put your feet in this damn water" glare self-explanatory. Hmmmmm....

Nevertheless, she was very nice. I avoided watching her work because it felt too King George. There's definitely an uncomfortable servant vibe about getting your nails done because you're up in this big lofty chair. You get a jet-powered throne while she's down there on a wheeled stool working with doll-house sized lawncare tools.

Instead of watching her I just stared ahead and watched a muted "Monster-in-Law" on the plasma screen. I zoned out and thought about school most of the time.

There are these girls at school that are just bugging the hell out of me.

It's not that they're bad kids. All kids are good at heart. I truly and honestly believe this. But these girls are just brats to me! And I have no explanation. I asked my mom. Mom's the queen of all things behavioral psychology. I knew if I brought it up with her she'd break down the locust of control and behavior needs acutely being advertised through action. This is our exact conversation today:

She said, "How old are these girls?"
I say, "8th grade girls."
"8th grade girls?" She says.
"Yeah, 8th grade girls are the worst."

Okay, so no solution from Mom, but at least she verifies it.

But your biggest problem is always your biggest problem. So I know if it weren't these two girls - it'd be something else. But I'm determined to make things better by next week. I have an idea for tomorrow. You'll have to ask me and I'll see if I can make things better.

That's the weird thing with chorus, too. Is that if kids don't like your class they can switch electives. But shouldn't there be an option if the teacher doesn't like you?

On a positive note, though I had a great homeroom experience today. We're teaching the kids about self-image and creating a positive self-image and I had a couple really great break-throughs with the kids. Some really nice things.

Also, on a positive note. I teach four private voice students at the high school and one of my girls (sophomore girl) took two songs to solo & ensemble. She got a superior! I'm so proud of her - we've been working on these songs for a long time and her mother was really pleased. I wrote down the same comments the judges wrote down in her little book so I feel my work is validated.

I like teaching privately. It's more fun than in a class.

Other quick updates:

I'm finally getting over my cold! For those of you who don't have day-to-day interaction with me I've been sick for almost a two week period now. Maybe more. But I refuse to complain about it. I can complain now that it's over but while I was sick I just ttried to pretend that everything was normal (which is probably why it's taken me two weeks to get better. I should've taken time off work).

There's a reminiscent cough and sniffle here and there but they're much more feminine now. More "uh heh, heh" instead of the bearish "ugghhHAAAAA UhhGGHHHAAA" coughs of yesterweek. Guh-ross.

DeLand Idol: Thursday 7pm at DeLand Middle. It's going to be interesting - we'll have judges on stage critiquing the students. I somehow swindled Kevin Kearney to be a judge and I'm super excited about it because he's so smooth the kids and the audience will love him no matter what he says. He's going to do great.

I don't flirt well with strangers. Today I went into Publix after my workout (still listening to the jubilant iPod soundtrack my shopping experience so requires) and just as I go to reach for a carton of Calcium-fortified (toothy grin *sparkle*) Orange Juice I suddenly see another hand reach for the same container. I stop. I look up and there I see a young 25 year-old healthy looking man reach for the same container. He's dressed in his work-out clothes, too. He removes the earbuds of his iPod and just smiles at me. It was like a moment from a movie! Two workout souls unite as their hands touch reaching for calcium-fortified orange juice. He dashingly makes a cute comment about the 2 for $5 special and I just.. oh Lara... why do I do these things? uhgggghhhhhh..

I totally take the orange juice. Smile. And check out. Sometimes I think I'm just not in "notice people" mode. Ya know? Which is okay because I just ended things with someone about two weeks ago. Well, 6 weeks ago? It was a good decision and I'm really fine. I'm happy and so I think my calcium-fortified brain is just on auto-pilot.

But I like this scene for a movie.

"United By OJ!"

Well... it's probably a better film than "Monster-in-Law"...

Love and Pedicures,
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