Appointment with Dr. today.

Nov 04, 2016 19:28

This last week has not been pleasant in terms of my anxiety-it was almost like all of the cognitive behavioral therapy went right out of the window, and nothing I tried would work. I’ve tried to keep myself busy, but nothing has helped. We went to see Dr. Strange yesterday afternoon, and I had a massive panic attack midway through. Talk about going from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. It came on quickly and was over just as fast, and for no bloody apparent reason whatsoever. I was thankfully near the exit and was able to leave the auditorium so I wouldn't disturb the other people there. I missed a good chunk of the movie, but was able to see the end.

Then the guilt, God the guilt I felt when we were going back home, when it hit me that I had managed to ruin yet another night out that we rarely get to have because of work and other family obligations. Ryan never complained, love his heart, but I know it has to be hard to deal with.

I called in to work today and made an appointment to see my doctor. Went in with chattering teeth, sweaty hands, and a BP reading of 142/96, very nearly on the verge of another panic attack. Thank goodness for my saint of a husband, because without him there I doubt I could have gotten a word out coherently. I also think he was able to more accurately tell my doctor what I’ve been going through because he sees it firsthand, whereas I just feel like I am going clinically insane.

I left with a prescription for Celexa and Hydroxyzine.

I hope this helps, because I am at wit's end with all of this crap.
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