
Jun 18, 2012 05:14

During the preschool graduation ceremony.

So, you all know Preston. Preston can't talk. This has been his claim to fame for the past several years. But that's okay, he'll catch up.  He learned everything late. rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, eye contact, smiling, babbling. But eventually he has learned all of these things. Still the great power of speech eludes him. But that's okay, he'll catch up. So instead of verbal communication he hits, kicks, spits, yells, throws, and shoves to express himself. It is difficult to have him around other people, it is difficult to keep him at home. Preston is difficult, but that's okay, he'll catch up. When he was a baby his doctor kept saying "by the time he enters kindergarten no one will know he was delayed". By age 3, with his lack of progression she changed this to "you know, a lot of kids repeat kindergarten" Autism was suspected and by 3 and a half he had an official diagnosis of Autism from a pediatric developmental specialist. The school did their own evaluation and after a year of struggling in the regular preschool classroom, he is now being placed in the special education classroom. Apparently, he didn't catch up. 
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