Lady Liberty

Jun 05, 2011 22:50

We had a fantastic trip down to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island yesterday.

Our mode of transportation to the islands.

Manhattan in the background.

Preston loved the motion of the boat.


First stop, Ellis Island. We were all starving.

Bring us your hungry, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to eat lunch.

There are absolutely no pictures of the Carpenters inside the museum. We were too busy listening to Preston scream, trying to figure out how to keep 5 people with 5 separate audio headset tours together through multiple rooms in a museum while taking turns chasing after Preston.

Back to the ferry, heading over to Liberty Island. Hayley and Cameron both wore the shirts that they got in NYC last year.

Who's that handsome guy?

Preston was ecstatic the few times we let him out of the stroller.

A rare shot of mom and dad in the same picture.

This is the original torch, it was replaced in the mid 80's.

The kids and I walked over 300 stairs to get to the crown of the statue. It was a little cramped up there, but definitely the highlight of the day. You have to buy the tickets 3 months in advance to go up here. The park rangers were so very nice. They told the kids they were VIP's because not everyone gets to go up to the top. And they each treated us extra special when they saw our wristbands. The view from the top was amazing. It was even more amazing when we came back down and looked up and realized just how high we were.

We learned some interesting facts from  the ranger in the crown. Did you know that the statue is only as thick as 2 pennies? The man who built the Eifel tower built his first tower in the USA. It is the "bones" for Lady Liberty. If you shake the top rail of the staircase you can get the statue to sway.

There is a steep spiral staircase that goes up the center of the statue. From the inside you get to see the original copper color. Here is the face, and a section of Eifel's tower.

I love this picture because Cameron put his arm around Emma, all by himself, I didn't even ask him to :)

Emma posing with her new hat.

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