Something adorable I'm reading about George

May 28, 2010 09:25

I've just read the funniest, most adorable thing from Allan Williams' book, The Man Who Gave the Beatles Away; here he's speaking of when he got the early Beatles to play backing the stripper "Shirley" (I believe she's referred to in other accounts as "Janice"):

"Who is that nice boy with the boney face?"  she said on the first night.

"That," I said, "is George.  George Harrison.  He's a nice boy and he is much too young for you, Shirley.  Don't go leading him astray."

"He looks gorgeous enough to eat," she said.

"He's too young for you, Shirley," I repeated.

"They're never too young," she said, eyeing George who was trying to hide behind his orange juice.  "If they're big enough, they're old enough."

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