Dec 14, 2011 12:57
My book, Exploring Davey, which was published a few months ago with, is now on Amazon!!! As of this morning! :) I'm so excited!!! Hopefully in time, with more exposure, this will translate into sales, but at least I'm finally published, a dream I've had since the 3rd grade! I feel very fulfilled and validated right now, it makes me want to keep going, to keep writing. It's one bright spot when so much else has gone wrong lately.
As many of you know, Exploring Davey began here at Beatlesslash as Exploring George. In order to publish more easily, I gave all Beatles characters generic names. It was an AU story to begin with, so I retained the Times Square locale over Hamburg, and set the story in the mid-70s, before Times Square was cleaned up and still had the gritty feel about it. I thank all the original readers who so encouraged me to finish the book.
I follow a few on Facebook who offer to review novels, I guess that should be my next logical step? Does anyone know? It would not hurt to have some reviews, even some constructive criticism. Writers helping other writers, it's a very supportive community. I have no self-esteem to market and promote myself though, I don't like to put myself out there.
I'm a writer!!! A poor and broke writer, but a writer, nonetheless!!! :)
Sorry, I just had to share, there is really no one in real life to tell and I'm about to burst!!! :)
exploring davey