Dresden drabble - part 7

Oct 25, 2010 14:12

Title: Sorry, don't know yet -suggestions are welcome-.
Fandom: The Dresden Files.
Author: Lara Beckinsale.
Raiting: PG-13
Characters: Harry Dresden, Karrin Murphy. Mention of other characters too.
Timeline: Post-Changes (book 12)
Summary: Can they pick things up where they left them off?
It's a little story that started as drabbles but is now taking a force of its own. Hope I don't bore you to death, 'cause is not an action story, it's about feelings.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just borrowing them for a while.

Continues from part 6

As it would be expected at the making of such a powerful spell as one to bring a man back from the dead, the White Council found out about it. And of course, they wanted to execute Molly and me. There was a trial, a very unconventional one by council standards, but the circumstances were uncommon. We were alowed to defend ourselves. I took most of the blame, I wouldn't let another person I loved to be hurt because of me again.

Luckly for us, Ebeneazer and the Gatekeeper spoke in our favor. It didn't hurt that word about we being the ones who fought against the Red Court of vampires at Chichen Itza and won, had spread around all over the globe pretty fast seven months before. Everyone knew what I was capable of doing. Of course, that one could have worked in any direction. But truth was the Council owed me one, I saved it from a war they were loosing, and loosing fast. So much to the Merlin's disappointment, we were spared by general voting.

I remained a Warden and Molly remained my apprentice. But the Merlin made sure we knew very well that the absolution had come with a prize and that we would be carefuly watched. We had to report to the Council monthly and I was removed from the job as a regional commander.

The little detail about me being dead was fixed. The Council had contacts and thanks to Murph's suggestions and the fact that in the course of my life I've pissed off more people and non-people too, that I could count, the official version was that I had gone under some sort witness protection program for the past seven months.

I was also spared of the job as the Winter Knight. The termination of the contract was death, which I did pretty well. The power went back to winter and of course, someday I was sure it would come back to bite me on the ass but until then I was free.

After the formalities were done, I was ready to start again. If only it would've been that easy. In the course of days I lost everything dear to me. Including something that without my knowing had been the most important of all, my daughter.

Yes, I had a daughter. The car, the office, the appartment, as much as I could have love them, were replaceable. My daughter wasn't, neither was her mother.

I had loved her mother so much, but to save our child I had to... How could I ever face my daughter with her mother's blood on my hands?

So I asked Murphy to take care of her. Among all the things I ever asked Karrin to do for me, that had been the hardest. Asking her to hide my daughter from me. She was a good friend about that and never told me where Father Forthill had taken her. All I knew was that she was safe. And that was all that matter, a life with me would be too dangerous. There was no place for a child there.

That thought led me to my final loss, Karrin Murphy.

I had known her for more than ten years, and I've had more than friendly feelings toward her for half of that, But it wasn't until recently that I realised those ran far more deeper than I imagined.

Before I died we had agreed on a date. I missed it. She tried to move on by hooking up again with her ex, Kincaid. To think that I was the one who introduced them.

Things didn't worked out better the second time around for them, but they worked just enough that she became pregnant. Just my luck.

She said to me once that the reason we would never work out together was that she might want a family and a normal life someday, which I couldn't give her. I would always be bound to the spooky side of things, me being a wizard and all. And of course, what happened with my daughter just proved that theory.

She was not a cop anymore, thanks to her constant involvement with me. S.I. had forced her into retirement. Thankfully, it was done quick and easy. So, for herself and for her baby, she decided to step out of the line of fire and try to live a normal life from then on.

She was present at my trial of course, as an important witness and a last show of faithfulness to our friendship. But after we were back in Chicago we said goodbye. It was surreal, I couldn't believe I was parting from my best friend. I hadn't seen her again since that day.

I recluded myself in Missouri for a while, to lick my wounds. But I returned to Chicago two months later. Got myself a new appartment and started saving for a new car. Well, as new as one I could drive without making it explode on me.

Molly and I started her lessons again and another two months after, things were almost normal again. Granted, I would never be the same man I used to be, the nightmares didn't stop and I thought constantly about the daughter I'd never get to know. But all in all, I was ok.

That was until I ran into her on the street.

Continues in part 8

char: karrin murphy, char: harry dresden

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