Apr 14, 2011 00:21
To the Dresden Files fans out there:
1. What is your favorite character?
2. What is your favorite ship?
3. Who do you think is the ideal romantic partner for Harry Dresden?
4. How far along have you read?
5. Do you read fanfiction?
6. What kind of fiction do you read? Fluffy romance? Comedy? Angst?
7. What do you prefer: one-shots or multi-chaptered stories?
8. Would you care to read angsty Dresden Files fic that I'm writing? (I tried it a couple of times but more often that not I write fluffly things).
9. My first fics lacked beta reading, would you care to read them again if I re-edit? (I'd like to start doing that, but it takes time and I'd like to know if I should bother).
10. I know most of the stuff I've written about this series is post Changes or close to that. But, would you be interested in reading in-between books stories? Fill in the blacks? Alternative endings?
Thanks in advance to all whoever comments!
Edit to add: Oh, oh! And how do you like your ratings? PG, PG-13, maybe NC-17?
dresden files