worry wort or genuine reason for concern?

Jul 22, 2010 23:43

Please put my mind at rest and someone out there tell me that it's normal for a 19 month old to not be talking yet .. at all!

Sam can say 'dada' and 'mama' but they are the only two words he knows, despite us trying SO hard to get him to say other things. He has full blown conversations with great pitch in his voice but it is literally 'dadadadadadadadada' - no other consonant or vowel sounds at all. Should I be worried?

I've also gone and got myself all freaked out by reading this article in 'Practical Parenting' magazine that talks about autism and Sam seems to display a lot of the things they say are signs of it. Am pretty sure he is just a bit lazy and some of the other traits are a sign of a calculated mind (repetitively lining up toys, for example) but am still worrying.

Hope everyone out there is ok! Oh, and just so this isn't entirely boring, here are a couple of super recent snaps of my gorgeous boy.

Oh, and to cut his hair or not to cut his hair? I want it long but it's looking a bit too mullet like right now. Plus am scared his curls will vanish! Have trimmed the front once or twice as it looked INSANE but I wonder if he needs a proper cut in order for it to start growing long.

OK, that is all ;)

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