Sep 24, 2008 22:09
I’m starting to identify myself as a writer. I’m realizing more and more how important writing is to me. I was scrolling through this LiveJournal and what surprised me (because I’ve scrolled through it several times in its entirety since starting it) was how many entries I’ve created. I have 140 entries since December 1, 2005. Yes, that’s 3 years but it seems like so much to me. It takes so long to scroll through all of it and some of my entries are super long.
When anything at all happens nowadays (mundane, exciting, boring, extraordinary), I start to think about how I’m going to write about it. When I was late to a meeting the other day because I didn’t wake up from a cough syrup-induced nap, I thought about how I wanted to write about how flustered I’ve been. When my professor gave me back his unsealed recommendation letter for my study abroad application, allowing me to read it before I turn it in, I thought about how I wanted to convey the warmth I felt after reading his praise.
And now I’m writing about wanting to write.
I’m starting to think I need to make a side career out of writing. I want to intern next summer at a magazine. My boss gets this Asian American women’s lifestyles magazine called Audrey so the other day I was flipping through it and really liked it. So I went to the credits pages to look for the office address, thinking I could keep it in mind for the summer, and lo and behold the offices are in Gardena!! So I really hope they are still there 8 months from now because I think it would be awesome to work there and experience that world.