Final Destination

May 24, 2012 13:57

response to femslash100  prompt 13 in the end and  121 Seduce.
warning spoilers from the season finale of revenge read at your own risk
AU  relationship between Lidia and Victoria
I do not own anything recognizable Mike Kelly does no infringement is intended

Lidia Davis sat on the plane getting ready for departure. Victoria Grayson   her ex- best friend and  ex-lover convinced her to save herself and fry her ex-husband  Conrad Grayson.  She resisted at first but in the end she chose Victoria like she always did and hated herself for it.  No matter what happened between them Victoria could always seduce her way back in. It honestly didn’t matter if it helped or hurt her she did not have the strength to fight it anymore.  Victoria was the last thing on her mind when the explosion rocked the plane and then nothingness.

ld/vg, drabble, spoiler, pg13, revenge

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