Severus Sins Repost: prologue

Jun 21, 2011 13:23

Severus Snape was standing at the entryway of Grimmauld Place, bracing himself for what he knew was coming next. He past the screaming portrait of Mrs Black then he had to face the vision of the man that he was forced to kill. He willed himself past the specture to the room where he knew that Lily’s picture would be and the letter that had her name written, the only things that were left of the woman he loved so much, beside her reached son that she had with his worst enemy. He picked up the old picture and stared

Somehow he thought that if he stared hard enough then she would come back, forgive him of his sins and understand why he did what he did. He curled up on the floor with the picture by his side thinking of their childhood, how he told her what she was, teaching her how to fly, and holding her close when the rift that never healed occurred between her and her sister over her going to a magic school. It didn’t matter to him that she had muggle ancestry, she was the only one in either world who truly loved him.

As he drifted off to sleep he envisioned her green eyes looking down at him with love and devotion, that turned into chocolate brown. The next thing he knew Lily was standing over him

“this is a dream”

“I am afraid not sev”

“Where are we?”

In between the living and the dead”

He was startled to see himself in the Sheriking shack laying on the floor dying from what appeared to be snake bites on his neck a shocked Hermione over him with a shocked Harry. Severus saw himself pull Harry close and demand “Look… at.. me…” and die

darkfic, wip, grangersnape100, potterverse, hg/ss

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