Crimanale De La Coure( Crimes of the Heart) 12 ani De Natalia(12 Days of Christmas)

Dec 22, 2009 17:12

dieci:famelia (ten:family)
AN:// mild attempt of the fruitcake challenge on grangersnape100

Hermione was going by pure instinct and she knew it. She looked down at the spell book again and opened it to the same page as before bookmarked with a pocket sized photo of her parents. As she looked down at the photograph she saw scorch marks there that she never saw before. The witch took a deep breath and said the chant once again. This time Hermione saw herself in an abandoned wing of the hospital chained to a bed by her ankle, in a state of some sort of catatonia with a familiar figure standing by her bed.

Hermione smiled when she saw her friend Harry, the boy who was her best friend and considered family. The wizard smiled a small sad smile and touched her face giving her a terrifying vision of the past

The witch saw the astronomy tower and Dumbledore falling after he was cursed to death.  The witch saw herself running to Harry’s aid…Hermione saw herself practicing a very difficult spell that was said to kill a living hecrux. Hermione was so distraught about something that the spell went wrong, bouncing off her arm and into Harry killing him instantly. Hermione stepped back horrified

Harry smiled at her “It is alright Hermione, I know you didn’t mean it”

“Is that the reason that I did an impression of a fruitcake?”

Harry laughed and said “No Hermione not that alone. It was the fact that Voldemort won, our friends are dead or wish they were dead and the guilt that your parents were burned alive by Death Eaters”

At Hermione’s hopeless expression harry said “Don’t lose hope Hermione there is a plan to reverse the damage in action”

Before Hermione could ask him anything else Hermione felt a tug and the arms of her husband

crimes, ss/hg, wip, grangersnape100

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