Series Fic: Irrational (Part Three) (Lisa/Cormac)

Aug 02, 2009 22:50

I asked Aster who she wanted me to write this weekend and she said Lisa so I wrote Lisa.

Story Header: Why Lisa Turpin never told Cormac McLaggen she loved him… and what happened when he found out anyway

Title: Irrational (Part Three)
Genre: Romance with a spot of Obsession
Claim: Harry Potter/Ravenclaws (19 - Tan) at 100_colours (and xposted at 1000ways_claw)
Pairing/Characters: Lisa Turpin (Ravenclaw), Cormac McLaggen (Gryffindor)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1094
Warnings: Obsessions at their finest
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

Part One: The List can be found here
Part Two: Outside can be found here

It took some doing but Lisa was finally able to track Cormac down the morning of the Gryffindor Quidditch team tryouts. He hadn’t been at breakfast where she’d expected to be able to pull him aside for one last plea. His plan, she’d discovered thanks to a Gryffindor First Year who wasn’t afraid of eavesdropping if the price was right, wasn’t going to work.

For a breathtaking fifteen minutes, she ran to every haunt of his that she could think of. She’d even stopped by the Gryffindor Common Room for a quick glance around to make sure he wasn’t just lying around in front of the fire, taking it easy.

“Where’s Cormac? Is he still in bed?” she asked Dylan, a thin boy that Cormac considered a friend. She’d never had time for his in-house friendships, always considering them an infringement on her own time with him. But, she reasoned, they did have their uses.

“Nah. Been gone ages. Told me he was going to scout the field one last time. One up the competition.”

That could only mean he was biding his time on the pitch, getting himself into a lather about Hermione and the possibility of getting on the team. Every moment she was able to save him from himself would benefit everyone. This time, she didn’t just run… she got out her wand and gave her feet a burst of magical speed that took her to the edge of the Quidditch pitch.

Unfortunately it left her with a head of hair that resembled Hagrid’s own wild locks. Even as she tried to pat it into something more comely, she knew she had no choice about the matter. Cormac was sitting at the base of one of the goals, staring dreamily into space. That was an expression she knew too well. He was dreaming about all the glories and riches of his dreams becoming a reality. Worse than that, she knew she had no part in those scenes he was watching play out in his mind.

“Cormac! Oi!” She walked toward him, her hands on her hips to show her disapproval… and also to keep her from walloping him a good one when she got nearer. His wide smile was just another indication that he had no idea what she felt for him. How could he not?

“Lisa! I’m glad to see you. I thought you wouldn’t want to come to the tryouts, seeing as it’s not for your team.”

“Of course I’m coming to tryouts.” She sank down beside him, glad of the respite to her aching legs. “You need a cheering section, after all. I’m not a horrible friend, even if you are Gryffindor.”

The comment was not a compliment but he took it as one ,waving the edge of his crimson and gold scarf in the air as if it was a House banner. The colour scheme complimented his skin, bringing out the perpetual tan his skin always seemed to glow with, irregardless of the cloudy Scottish weather. She loved his skin. It was smooth and made her want to run her hand up and down over any uncovered surface of his body. She’d done something like that once, during a summer holiday at the sea. Instead of appreciating her touch or decrying her as a slut, he’d laughed and told her he had plenty of protection from the sun. Now she only let herself touch him with her eyes.

“So… Keeper?”

Cormac shrugged. “It’s a position I can play.”

“Not as half as well as you play Beater.”

“There’s more competion for Beater.”

Her whole body was shaking with rage. This was so like Cormac, looking for the easy way out of something he could very well accomplish the usual way even if it was harder. “You’re better than half those players, including Katie Bell. Frankly, I don’t think she’s half as good as everyone seems to think she is. Beside, Leanne has been trying to talk her out of playing this year. She’s hoping to spend more time with her gir-“

Lisa clamped both hands over her mouth. What Leanne had told her was meant to be in confidance. She and the Seventh Year had shared their tales of woe over a plate of chocolate eclairs late one night near the beginning of the school year. The older girl was the only other person she’d ever told about Cormac. Now she almost gave up the secret she’d swore she’d never, ever tell.

As always, Cormac wasn’t listening to her. “There are 6 others who claim to be attempting Keeper, including Weasley. There’s no way he’ll get the spot if I try out for it. As it is, he’s better than others. Don’t you see? If I get Beater, not only will I be on the team, but Weasley won’t! It’s brilliant.”

‘Why do you even care about him?” she asked, struggling to understand this dense boy. If she didn’t love him so much, she might be tempted to break something hard over his incredibly thick skull. “He doesn’t even like Hermione. Word around the corridors is that Lavender Brown has set her sights on him. We all know what that means.”

“Remember when she thought she liked me? That was a wild ride there for those couple of months.”

When Cormac chuckled, she had to relax her hand from the fist it involuntarily made. If there was one thing that bound her and Hermione together, it was a deep and abiding dislike of Lavender Brown. The slut of Gryffindor had thrown herself at Cormac last year, just long enough for Lisa to go nearly insane from the irony of it all. Luckily for Cormac… and for Lavender, he’d realized very quickly that she was only after him for one reason. Lisa hadn’t had to kill the blonde girl, after all.

“Yeah. Wild. So leave Weasley alone. He’s got enough to worry about without you coming after his position on the team.”

A strange light lit up Cormac’s eyes. For a moment, Lisa was scared for him. Or of him, maybe. He didn’t seem to be in complete control of himself when it came to this plan for Hermione’s affection. “You said it. He’s got too much on his plate. The last thing he needs is to add Quidditch to it. I’ll do him a favour and take his place as Keeper.”

There would be no stopping him now. Lisa would have to go about this in a completely different fashion. It was time to call in reinforcements.

graph fic, 2009, lisa/cormac, ravenclaw, gryffindor

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