Series Fic: The Moment After Death (Heroes - Elle)

Jul 19, 2009 22:58

Title: The Moment After Death
Fandom: Heroes
Character: Elle Bishop
Prompt: 1 - Beginnings at 100heroesfics
Rating: PG
Word Count: 582

The day she died was the day that things changed for Elle Bishop. Until the moment Sylar made the first cut into her skull, she’d been a ‘yes’ girl. For all the attitude she bandied about, she was still her father’s daughter. Anything and everything that would get her the attention of daddy-dearest, she tried. Most of the time she suceeded but always at the expense of her soul. When he’d left her, she clung to the next best thing - Gabriel. He was to be her salvation. Too bad she couldn’t thank him for taking such good care of her heart.

But I can’t die . Her final thought came and went, a fleeting wisp of a life lived on someone else’s terms. It was over. Elle Bishop was no more.

And then she was. No explanation. No bright and shining light with a voice on the other side with a pep talk about doing a better job this time. Nothing but a splitting headache and the dawning realization that she was naked… and no longer on the beach.

Age and dirt had worn down the walls and floor of the room. There was no roof to speak of although there were still petruding timbers to show where one had once been. Except for a pile of dusty blankets that had been in the elements for too long, she was the only thing in the room. Along one wall, a door hung from a single hinge. Beyond that was an unknown she wasn’t sure she wanted to face without a stitch of clothing on. Holding out her hand, she eased into an easy burn. Better to be ready just in case there was someone else waiting around to kill her. She was getting tired of being the dead girl.

Just as Noah had taught her, she did a series of quick glances around the doorframe. No one appeared to be in wait so she walked out with her head held high. “If this is your idea of a welcoming, you can keep the fruit basket. It’s probably mouldy.”

A faint wind stirred the dust at her feet. Nothing else moved. There wasn’t much to see but a series of deserted buildings on a windswept dirt lane. No one was around to witness that resurrection of Elle Bishop.

No, on second thought, make that just Elle. In this new incarnation, she had no ties. This time around, she was going to do what she wanted to do without any concern for the people around her. She didn’t need anyone telling her what to do… or not to do.

To celebrate this new found freedom, she sent a burst of fireworks into the air. They rained down on her in a hailstorm of pyrotechnics. From inside the building, she smelled smoke. A few of her Yay Me sparks had landed on the pile of blankets, which started immediately to smoulder. After several moments of fright that she’d set the whole deserted place into one huge bonfire and a choice word here and there for whatever power had brought her back to life without any suitable clothing for fire-fighting, Elle was out on the street once again. First things first, she needed something to wear that was just as kick ass as this new personality. Then, a new place to hang out. It was boring here in… she took a quick look around for a sign… here in Coyote Sands with only her thoughts for company.

graph fic, 2009, elle, heroes

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