Another non-writing post

Jun 28, 2009 23:00

I'm watching my two younger cousins this weekend while my aunt and uncle are out of town. One is 13 and the other is 8. This just refutes my promise to myself NEVER TO HAVE CHILDREN. I know they're different when they're your own but seriously. I can barely keep track of myself. Keeping track of two more little underlings has been rather stressful and I've taken all but one of the days off to do it! Tomorrow is the big test - I have to get us up early for swimming... and I'm still up at 11pm. See, I TOLD you I can't be trusted!

Downloading Dr. Horrible at iTunes because I'm just not going to be anywhere near a place selling the DVDs anytime soon. That is my excuse for staying up. That and I'm going on a friending spree through the list of The Browncoats at whedonland. If I'm going to come back to LJ after all this time away, I'm going to jump feet first... like always.

Do you still need to experience the wonder of Joss Whedon online? Please, do yourself a favor and watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog! It's on Hulu and various other places. You'll laugh... you'll cry... you'll wonder if you can get your hair that exact shade of "Felicia Day Red". No? Just me? Okay.

And speaking of red hair... I do love this color I have mixed up. Just hope I can get it to look the same next time when I have to start all over again. It was a shade of brown and a shade of red... hmmm...
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