Drabble: On the Clock

May 17, 2009 22:46

Title: On the Clock
Pairing: Veronica/Weevil
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Prompt: Fake dating turns real at Multifandom Drabble Meme
Word Count: 354

"Move your hand lower." Veronica shifted, trying to get Weevil's hand to move. It was cemented on her lower back in the she's-just-a-friend-so-don't-get-the-wrong-idea position. No one would ever think they were actually on a date. For this operation to work, she needed a boyfriend. Weevil was the closest she could get on this short notice.

"Lower?" His voice broke, like they were twelve, fumbling in a closet at a birthday party. "Really?"

Talking was getting her nowhere. Instead, she took his face in her hands and kissed him. Not a I'm-so-glad-we're-buddies kiss but the kind you give a guy you wouldn't mind taking back to your dorm room and going through all the trouble of getting rid of your roommate for a few hours. It was... nice. More than nice. It was the best kiss she'd had in a long time. When she pulled back, he was staring at her.

"What was that?"

She blinked. "A kiss. A really good kiss."

"Damn straight it was a good kiss." Before she could think about catching her breath, he was initiating the kind of kiss that weakened her knees and made her glad of the brick wall at her back keeping her upright. Not that she wanted to be upright at this point. His lips on hers were giving her ideas about other places that she'd like to have them and none of those places would be easy to get to unless they were in a more prone position.

His fingers pushed against the wasitband of her skirt, bringing a bit of sanity back. The part of her brain that was glad to see them finally looking like a couple who couldn't resist each other was trying to convince her to pull away. When she would have pushed the job out of the way to make room for this passion she'd unwittingly unleashed, the thought of a paycheck pushed back. She needed the money more than she needed Weevil to get a close up of her panties.

Tonight, at least. It would be interesting to see where this might go on a night she wasn't working.

2009, challenge, multifandom, veronica mars, !fanfic

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