Fic: Salvation

May 16, 2009 18:27

I don't believe I ever put this up here in this journal, either! For shame!

This is one of my most favorite drabbles that I've ever done. I played on what might have happened and came up with...

Title: Salvation
Character: Lily
Word Count: 463

There were times when she almost felt guilty for how she treated him. He'd been equally horrible but Lily couldn't seem to shake the feeling that everything had been her fault. Over and over, she'd debate both sides until her head pounded as if she'd actually been hitting it against a stone wall.

That day... that fateful day... he'd looked at her, his mouth forming the words, and she'd felt something break. She'd always thought they'd meant something to one another. Was she wrong?

And now, in the stillness of the night, she feels the doubt creeping back in. There had been news of him, of the wreck his life had become now that there are no longer the rules of the school to keep him in line She wonders if anyone else blames her or if she's the only one. They had never made any promises, after all. There had never been anything resolved with all their talking. He was on a set path that she couldn't agree with... had told him often it would lead him to ruin. He'd only sneered and she'd felt her heart break each time.

It seems like treason to think of him here in this darkened room, the quiet breathing of her new husband next to her a mirror of her own. It's still early days in their marriage but she knows that she made the right decision. This is the man she can love with her whole heart. He is the one she understands and who understands her in turn. People wonder at the match but she just smiles. They don't see how they complete each other, how their hearts have always known each other.

He stirs and she turns toward him, her fingers finding the side of his face. "Go back to sleep."

"Why aren't you sleeping?" he asks, his voice husky with sleep.

"Just thinking. It's okay. Sleep. You're going to need to be rested tomorrow."

He nods his head, his eyes already closing. "I love you, Lily."

It's easy for her to say it now but she'd been unable to say it for so long. Those were the exact words that James had said to her that had made her realize that she'd never really loved him. This man, this same man who said them to her like a prayer so often, was the one she'd always loved. Would always love. He called her his salvation but he didn't know the half of it. If she was his salvation then he was her life. It could not be any other way.

"I love you, Sev," she whispers in the darkness, his breathing already slow and steady. She'll be able to tell him tomorrow, though. They have got plenty of tomorrows ahead of them.

2007, slytherin, gryffindor

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