Getting Out the Emotions (PG-13; Harry/Megan)

May 29, 2006 17:39

Title: Getting Out the Emotions
Characters: Megan Jones, Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 545
Prompt: 4 - as shaken as we are at 7spells

Author's Note: This is a group of 7 stories set at a fictional Quidditch Summer Camp. The pairing is for _ashestobeauty_.

Megan couldn’t stop the tears. It had been a hard day and an even worse night. Dinner had started out nice enough until Kevin had gotten snarky with Ernie who had taken it personally. When Ernie got irritated, Justin was always ready to jump in so the two of them began to pick on the younger boy. Zach had finally noticed and sent them out of the dining hall before they bothered any of the other teams. It would have been a perfect plan if Kevin hadn’t tripped over the hem of Bradley’s robe as he passed by the Ravenclaw table. Ernie figured the tall boy had tripped one of his teammates… and the Hufflepuffs were eventually ejected from the room, tattered and torn.

It hadn’t taken long for the tears to start and Megan found that she wasn’t able to walk in a straight line. She stood in the middle of the lane, her hands covering her face as tears pooled on her shirtfront. On the field, they were playing like crap and now this. It was too much. Megan’s whole body ached, sore in places that she didn’t even know had muscles to be worked. The only one of them that seemed to be holding it all together was Zach and he was quieter than usual.

“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”

Megan peeked through her fingers; both irritated and pleased to see Harry standing in front of her. “I’m fine. Go away,” she said through sobs.

“This doesn’t look fine. This looks like you’re in pain.”

“And you aren’t?” Megan retorted, dropping her hands and letting the tears stream unimpeded down her cheeks. “I’d like to be alone, Harry. I know you don’t understand that because you have this hero complex but-“

Before she could stop him, he leaned down and kissed her. Tears puddle along his lip line so that his face was slightly wet as he pulled away. Megan couldn’t think of anything to say to him. She didn’t even have the energy to lift her hand to slap his cheek at his impudence. His eyes, an interesting shade of green this close up with plenty of gold flecks to make them interesting, were intent on her face. It would be interesting to see what he would do if she slapped him. Instead, she leaned forward and kissed him back.

“What took you so long?” Susan asked as she stepped into the tent later that night. “And why are you smiling like that? Either you did something stupid like pulling a prank or… You got kissed!”

Megan tried to shake her head. “No, it’s not what-“

“You kissed Harry ‘The Boy Wonder’ Potter. When? Where? What made him kiss you? Why are you not giving me details?”

“Slow down and I’ll tell you everything. First, let me wash my face. I’ve cried more today than I care to remember.”

There was a knock at the tent door and the inevitable “Lights out, ladies.”

For some reason, Megan shivered at the sound of Zach’s voice. The one person she hoped never found out about that kiss was Zacharias Smith, the Captain of the Quidditch squad and the one person who would most likely know all the details by breakfast tomorrow.

2006, hufflepuff, gryffindor

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