Mix Up (PG; The Bash Brothers)

May 15, 2006 19:51

Title: Mix Up
Date/Challenge: May 15 - what they secretly want to do at 30_hath and 100 - Prank at potterverse100
Character/Pairing: Ernie MacMillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley (the Bash Brothers) and Kevin Whitby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 221

“Itching powder in her stockings!”

Justin rolled his eyes at Ernie. “And are you offering to sneak in her room after she’s undressed and get those stockings? I told you, it has to be something in the greenroom so we can get there after hours without anyone finding out. Now, who has a good suggestion?”

The three Hufflepuffs looked thoughtful, confused and downright irritated, each in his own turn. Coming up with a decent plan to prank Professor Sprout was always harder than it looked. Each and every year, the Bash Brothers (with the addition of Kevin Whitby this year, for some fresh ideas) tried to find one spectacular prank for their Head of House.

So far, they’d never found that one spectacular prank that would make them the talk of the school. Instead, they vowed that next year they would think of the perfect practical joke.

After forty-five minutes of intense thinking, Kevin was feeling courageous enough to speak up. “We could switch all the plants in the greenhouse around. You know, put the plants from Greenhouse Three into Greenhouse One and vice versa.”

Ernie looked at Justin. Justin looked at Ernie. “Spectacular!” they said at the same time. Justin ruffled the younger boys hair while Ernie gave him a hefty pat on the back. They had the perfect prank.

2006, hufflepuff, 30_hath may, huff prompts

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