Kidneys and Toast (PG; Tonks, George)

Mar 29, 2006 19:20

Title: Kidneys and Toast
Characters: Tonks, George
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 16 - toast turning the required shade of gold at Happy Writing Challenge and toes at tonks_100

Tonks yawned, tensing every muscle until her jaw cracked. She propped up her feet on the chair and wiggled her toes. For once, she didn’t have duty and could appreciate her food at the proper warmth.

“Going to take a nap before dinner?” George asked as he came into the kitchen, whistling happily. It was wise to be afraid when the Weasley twins were happy.

“Just looking forward to a warm meal for once. Are you cooking?”

He came over and inspected her toes, tweaking one with his long fingers. “Kidneys and the perfect slice of golden toast. My specialty.”

challenge, 2006, tonks

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