Title: Friends, Fun and Forgetting
Character: Ginny
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Prompt: 8 - Lyrics at
minorhp100 Author's Note: I wish you strength
When times are hard
Oh I wish with all my heart you find what you’re looking for
I wish you joy
I wish you peace
And that every star you see’s within your reach
And I wish you still loved me. “I Wish” by Jo Dee Mesina
Ginny’s summer wasn’t going well. Normally, she’d immerse herself in friends, fun and forgetting all about Harry Potter. This summer, Harry was around. The Burrow wasn’t her safe place anymore.
While she knew that her anger with Harry was useless, she’d been assuming she could forget as she immersed herself, once again, in friends, fun and forgetting. As it was, she had to put on her happy smile as she sat across from him at the long table every night.
“Pass the potatoes, Harry?”
He smiled, looking grateful and a little guilty. It was going to be a long holiday.