Sentry Duty (PG; Rose, OC Ravenclaw)

Mar 02, 2006 14:28

Title: Sentry Duty (or: The Story of the Forbidden Forest, Part 1)
Date/Challenge: 2 - lost and alone in the night at 30_hath and 69: Nemesis at potterverse100
Character/Pairing: Rose Zeller (Hufflepuff), Rachel Stevens (OC Ravenclaw in the same year as Rose)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 472

This wasn’t what she’d signed on for. “You’re perfect for this type of thing,” they had told her. But they had also promised that she’d have help. Pushing up her glasses, she surveyed the surroundings and grimaced at the fact that she was alone at the edge of the forest.

And since when was she the perfect person for guard duty? Her glasses slipped down again but she left them hanging at the end of her nose. She’d learned enough magic in the past eight months that she’d figured out how to make sure they stayed somewhere in the vicinity of her nose.

“Halt,” she squeaked when one of the shadows moved. “What are you doing here?”

There was a chuckle that made her vaguely uncomfortable. “Who put you on guard duty, Zeller? That was a stupid idea.”

“Go away, Stevens.” It was easy to be snide now that she knew who she was dealing with. “We don’t like your kind around here.”

“What kind is that? The smart kind?” The blue piping of the girl’s robes shone in the pale moonlight as she came closer. “Last I saw, this was still school property and anyone can walk into the Forbidden Forest.”

“Filch specifically told us we couldn’t-“

“A squib tell a pureblood what to do? I think not!”

Before she could stop her, the short Ravenclaw took like a streak into the break in the trees. Rose fumbled with her wand but couldn’t get it out of her deep pocket where she had stashed it earlier so she didn’t accidentally blow off her ear while pushing her glasses up.

“Stop!” she screeched after the girl. “I’ll shoot.”

There was laughter and she ran after the sound, blind now that her glasses were precariously low on her nose. After a bit, she discovered that she’d left the path she had started on and was running between trees that were taller than any she’d ever seen before. A part of her brain wondered if that was the smartest thing to do in a place that had ‘Forbidden’ in the title. The other part was determined to be a good sentry. No intruders were going to get past her, especially not a half-twit Ravenclaw with a god complex.

Rose stopped to get her bearings. The only noise she could hear was her own panting as she struggled to get much-needed oxygen into her body.

“Rachel? I know you’re out there. You better leave right now before I find you.” There was no response except for the hooting of an owl. Well, she hoped it was an owl. In this place, anything was possible.

“Owen? Laura?” Rose swallowed a scream and tried the name she had never dared utter out loud until this moment of panic. “Ernie? Is anyone out there? I think I’m lost.”

30_hath march, challenge, 2006, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, huff prompts

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