In the Midst (PG; Greg/Pansy)

Feb 19, 2006 15:02

Title: In the Midst
Claim: Greg/Pansy
Word Count: 595
Rating: PG
Prompt: 22 - House Pride at potterverse100

“Tell me, do I look like I may fall down at any moment?” Pansy asked as she turned around abruptly, causing the boy behind her to stumble to the side rather than run into her. It was a wise decision even if it did cause several of the other students to scowl at him in irritation. “Do I?” she asked again.

“No,” he admitted, dusting off his robes.

“Then step back and give me some air. You’re hovering again.”

“Sorry.” His apology didn’t come in time as she took advantage of his downward gaze to start moving down the hall again. When he tried to follow after her, he found that he was trying to go the wrong way in a crowd of Ravenclaws hurrying to find the best seat in the library. Frustrated, he began to move them out of his way with his hands, his arms, his feet - anything he could use to achieve the freedom to race after Pansy and make sure she didn’t get away from him yet again.

If he was aware of the screams from the girls or the growls from the boys as he pushed past them, he seemed unaware of it. Not until a hand grabbed his arm did he hesitate. “Let me go.”

“Not until you apologize.”

He didn’t recognize the boy holding on him and he didn’t care. In a rage to be stopped, he lashed out with his other clenched fist. The girls continued to screech as they took offense to being in the midst of a fight. Here and there, he heard someone rooting on the boy he was grappling with. Suddenly, Goyle realized his dilemma. He was surrounded on every side by Ravenclaw blue and had gotten himself into a tussle he’d vowed to Draco he never would. The only thing to do was fight his way to safety.

“All of you! Get to class!”

A chill went through both boys as the strident voice of a teacher rang out over the cheering and booing of the Ravenclaws. In an instant, Goyle found himself standing alone in the hallway.

“You can thank me later,” Pansy told him, her arms crossed over her chest. “That was stupid of you to start something with Eddie Carmichael without any other Slytherin around.”

Goyle wasn’t sure why he was expected to thank Pansy when it had been a Professor who had stepped in to stop the fight. He looked around to see who he’d be serving detention with but they were still the only two people around. “I didn’t know who that was. He just started swinging,” he replied at Pansy’s pained expression.

“It was stupid. If you had just left me alone like I asked, I wouldn’t have had to come save you.”

“That was you?”

“You’re a sharp one, aren’t you?” She shook her head but stayed where she was. “Since we’ve missed most of this class, we might as well go clean you up.”

For the first time, Goyle realized there was a trail of blood dripping from a scratch near his ear. He tried to wipe it away but only succeeded in irritating Pansy further.

“I said we should GO clean you up. As in near water. You know, water? The stuff you seem to fear? Come on.”

He hoped she didn’t see his smile as she came up to take his bruised arm and drag him to the dungeon. If this is what it took to have her pay attention to him, he’d have to pick a fight with Carmichael everyday.

slytherin, 2006, slyth prompts

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