Fic: Exactly (4.13 Journey's End)

Dec 25, 2013 10:17

I'm spending Christmas Day watching the Doctor Who marathon (we've already had Christmas when my sister could be here so this isn't really the holiday day for me, just a day off!) and drabbling ideas and feelings.

Title: Exactly
Episode: 4.13 Journey's End

She remembers him. From time to time, a flicker of a memory gets through and she can remember what it felt like to travel through time and space with her best friend. It’s at the most random of moments, none of them very specific, and none of the memories are very stable. Here for a bit and then gone like mist in the wake of the sun.

They do leave behind the heaviest weight on her heart. Not even the strongest of antidepressants can take away that ache. She’s tried to explain herself to a number of different doctors and counselors but there’s nothing to explain. There are times she is completely happy and carefree and then there are the other times. Deep, dark chasms of pain that make her smile and weep, at the same time.

“Who is the person you think of in those dark moments?” they ask.

“Exactly,” she replies.

doctor who, christmas day 2013

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