Title: Not the Polar Bear!!!!
Characters: Draco/Ginny
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Lost at
ginny_draco100 and Adventure at
minorhp100Author's Note: I don't write much D/G but I blame
_____faith for the plot bunny!
Draco shielded his eyes against the sun. “Where are we?”
“If you don’t know, don’t ask me. I was just along for the ride,” Ginny mumbled, trying to get the sand out of her hair. “I thought you said the cabinet wouldn’t hurt us.”
“And are you hurt?” Draco’s eyes narrowed as he tried not to let Ginny’s sarcasm bother him. To figure this out, he needed to concentrate. In the distance, he could hear water scrapping against sand. It had been awhile since he’d been to a beach so he was at a loss.
From a distance… a roar…