Things and EDA Fic (SGA/SPN crossover)

Apr 04, 2013 23:13

I've been writing my casestory story longhand in my notebook. Cathartic? Maybe.

My brain has been eaten by Don't Starve. Have you played this game? There's a demo that you can try out... of course, you might find that you can't do anything else if you start playing. I'm just hoping that I can someday get past Day 20 without being eaten by Hounds. *sigh*

Watching Veronica Mars season 1 and continually amazed by how many of the random NPCs each week were played by people who I now notice a lot more than I did when I first watched the show. I'm remembering all these little things that I've missed... like Mac being switched at birth! How did I not remember that?

And here you thought I'd forgot about writing something everyday in April. *sigh* No, I remember. It hangs over my head on the days when I don't write.

Title: The Story of Before
Fandom: SGA/SPN crossover
Characters: John Sheppard/Dean Winchester
Prompt: from wings128 Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same All At Once - Snow Patrol.

He thumped his fist against the roof of the car, satisfied to see a face suddenly appear in the window. “Wake up, Dean, and come in for coffee.” The face disappeared but the door opened and out stepped a rumpled man, shrugging on a rumpled leather jacket and scrubbing his hand through hair that needed to be cut.

John left the front door open as he went back into the house, not daring to look in case he’d played this situation all wrong and Dean hadn't spent the night in his car for the same reason that he refused to stay more than few days at a time - he cared more for John than he cared to admit, even to himself. One false move and Dean would be in the wind yet again. If he was lucky, he’d get to spend a few meals with Dean before the lure of the unknown began tugging at the guy’s heels.

They were finishing the last of the eggs and bacon when John decided it was time to tell his latest news, no matter how hard it was to find the right words. “I’m being reassigned to a place with slightly more snow and less trees.”

“What? Like Antarctica?”

John shrugged as nonchalantly as he could at the moment. “Something like that.”

“Can I write?”

It was the light in Dean’s eyes that had John’s insides turning over, a combination of delight and despair. “You show up on my doorstep every couple of months with some new stories about how you’ve saved the universe. Just because it’s in a new place, I still expect you to find a way to share your stories with me.”

every day in april, challenge, 2013, stargate

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