Are you surprised? I was left alone and you expect things to be in the same place you left them?

Mar 16, 2013 23:48

I have the best news! There's this story that I've been working on for the last couple of months. It's actually something that has been on my To-Do list for the last YEAR but I only found the idea a few months ago and I finally eeked out enough idea to consider it FINISHED. There is an ending on it! Right now, I have people looking it over but I hope to have it to pentapus by the end of this next week!

To celebrate... I did what I do best. I wrote more three sentence stories! Man, I'm enjoying myself so much I may have to do something like this here. Maybe I'll go back through the ideas I keep demanding from all of you and write some of them up like this. *claps with glee*

Prompt: Avengers, Bruce/Natasha, tired and wired we ruin too easy (link)
Story: Natasha knew his skin would be sensitive but she couldn't stop her hand from resting lightly on Bruce's shoulder, a reminder that she was nearby if he needed her. He turned his head, placing the tiniest of kisses on her knuckles as if to let her know she was welcome to stay. As she settled in next to him on the couch, she assessed the damage (that which was seen and that which was assumed) and decided that this mission hadn't been a success but it hadn't been a bust, either.

Prompt: Doctor Who, Martha/Mickey, they're the ones who've moved on (link)
Story: It seems like a lifetime ago when she'd been onboard the TARDIS instead of just getting updates about where the Doctor was next but Martha doesn't care about the past. There are times when she looks at Mickey, his eyes intense with purpose, and she realizes that she has everything she's ever wanted. It sounds sappy (she'll never say it out loud) but he is her white knight and she is his.

Prompt: Bend it Like Beckham, Jess/Jules, adrenaline rush (link)
Story: There are rituals that must be followed after every game; some are with teammates but there are those that keep them rock steady even with the blood pounding in their ears as they struggle to come down from the high of playing and, more importantly, winning. This time is no exception and Jules pushes Jess into the corner of the deserted closet that is always off limits after a game. She doesn't care that there are sweaty clothes in the way, only that she can find skin to touch and mark with her teeth.

Prompt: Mean Girls, Janis/Regina, it's easier to be angry when you're young (link)
Story: They call it a reunion but it's more like ten years of torturous wait in return for bad wine and cold finger food while trying to make small talk with people who were never friends in the first place, but Janis goes through it for one glance so that she can put away the dreams that have been haunting her since turning twenty-five, when she realized a few truths about things she'd been hiding from herself. Regina, never one to follow the rules, walks across the room instead of staying with the girls she once called friends. "I know this might be a mistake but I've been waiting ten years to be able to ask you to dance."

Prompt: Firefly/Serenity, Mal/Zoe/Inara, memories (link)
Story: With some people, memories get in the way. Faces are superimposed where they don't belong and no amount of blinking will make them go away. When they are together, no matter whose room they've snuck into, there is a sense of home that is nowhere else and all three of them cling to those moments of peace to keep them going through the rest of the hours of the day.

Prompt: Leverage, team, Leverage 2.0 (post-finale) (link)
Story: "Let's get this done," Eliot growls as he puts in his ear comm into place. If there was anyone else in the room, they might have missed the tiny things he does now, rituals that put him into a good place for fighting. A touch on Parker's shoulder or the look he gives Alec don't go undetected by the other two, their own rituals already completed.

Prompt: Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth, it was over as quickly as it had begun (link)
Story: To say that she left regrets behind was like saying that rain was wet. Wishes clustered in her mind as the nanites clustered in her blood stream, both of them pressing in on her in unspeakable ways. "Be safe," she whispered to the city, hoping it passed along her words to the rest of the people she called friends.
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