It's not often you get the excuse to use a word like EFFULGENT

Feb 28, 2013 20:34

I haven't been the best about doing things for my landcomms lately but I did much better this last weekend and even PLACED in voting! That almost never happens!

I tied for second place at wlreunion with my Magnetic Poetry poem.

Effulgent sister, lend me your ear.
Hear what I have to say.
One of us understands the light
while one contemplates dismay.

You know such stunning happiness
while I cling long to despair.
No matter the letters I write to you;
No matter the memories we share.

Tonight we stand at a precipice
where we may smash or may fly.
The stars overhead sing to us
but the water has a stronger cry.

And if I slip under the crashing waves,
Screeching the long way down,
It will be my own jealousy
That causes my body to drown.

Dive after me and capture my hand.
Save me from water’s domain.
Pull me up with a god’s own strength
Until only we two remain.

And then I placed with some of my six word stories at writerverse

For the prompt LONGING:
Her absence distracted him from life.

For the prompt CATAPULT:
The tension right before release. Perfect.

challenge, poetry, 2013

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