tidings of gladness and joooooooy

Dec 21, 2012 13:21

I just have to put in another four hours and I don't have to think about drugs for two days. Holy Mother of Batman, I'm tired of meds. And scripts. And people bringing in scripts for meds. And people needing meds early because they're going on vacation. And people needing meds early because OH MY GAWD IT'S THE HOLIDAY AND YOU'LL BE CLOSED FOR ONE DAY AND I MIGHT NEEEEEED SOMETHING IN CHRISTMAS DAY OH THE HUMANITY. In general, I'm doing pretty well on the mental health front. Other than one of the pharmacists having this sort of melty brain experience yesterday after I left that I'm supposed to care about. Something is wrong when I'm going out of my way to enjoy the Christmas music because it could be worse, you know? But two days with the nephews and writing deadlines is going to be HEAVEN.
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